What is airsoft

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What is Airsoft and is it safe for my children?

Since its inception in the early 1980s was the sport of Airsoft with popular in all age groups was booming. It was adopted by children as a new form of action entertainment as well as real, non-lethal simulation exercises help with military and law enforcement agencies. But if the words Airsoft and children are used in the same sentence, you can almost always on a long debate between the parents on whether children are allowed to participate in the sport of Airsoft count. What is the debate over? I think before diving into the politics of Airsoft, it is important to have on the definition of Airsoft, the different types of gun and the laws which imposed our great country to explain the sport. What is Airsoft? Airsoft is a tactical game, where players eliminate their opponents by shooting tiny, plastic 6 mm bb (usually with a weight between. 12-. 20 g), launched from Airsoft guns. The sport originated in Japan, if the possession of weapons was illegal. The people of Japan, are white large hobbyists, created detailed metal replicas of real guns that non-lethal plastic granules (also called the bb) are raised. These replicas was jointly launched in the Japanese market and various companies, develops and distributes soft air guns in other countries in Europe and Asia. Finally Airsoft weapons emerged in the United States and the sport has become extremely popular.

Airsoft players have 3 different options when choosing an Airsoft Gun for you. The three types are: spring powered, electrically powered and gas powered. With the purchase of Airsoft guns, the price can vary depending on quality and type. Prices range from $10 for the lowest quality to more than $1,000 for the highest quality. It is recommended for new players from the outset that one low price soft air rifle so you a feel for what kind of weapon is at best their style of play. Are usually spring loaded Airsoft guns in the lower price range, followed by gas and AEG (automatic electric pistols). On Airsoft Gun speed is it in feet per second (ft/s) and varies between 200-500 ft / sec appropriate.

The law gives (in the United States) that an Airsoft Gun is a weapon as is and only by persons over the age of 18 be purchased can. In addition, there are certain restrictions State for the possession of Airsoft weapons. For example, New York has decided that have an Airsoft rifle is illegal because they are to distinguish real firearms, which resemble hard for law enforcement agents. That being said, can restore itself to the central question, "is it safe for my children"? This is where it is tricky and why there will be always a debate to address this problem. In relation to General Airsoft safety as anything that shoots at a high speed, it is essential that you wear always a proper safety equipment (eye protection and protection). Parents who have to play their children Airsoft really enforced these are normally no exceptions! It so far no deaths reported Airsoft for children or adults in the United States related to however there are reports of eye damage as a result of player, not to wear masks or protective eye gear. These cases are rare, but completely with education on Airsoft equipment operation can be avoided.

A further concern regarding Airsoft is location. It is important for all Airsoft play take place in the non-public areas, or areas that are specifically for Airsoft. It is extremely difficult to civilian or law distinguish between certain Airsoft weapons and a real firearm, to avoid any confrontation between scared, enforcement agents, should be monitored this precaution always. Never allow your child to take their Airsoft Gun in the school. This could cause suspension or in some cases, expulsion (keep in mind that Airsoft firearms legally be considered weapons). Finally you transport always your Airsoft weapons in a sealed duffle bag or in the trunk of your vehicle. It is my opinion that are safe for children to use Airsoft guns only under parental supervision. It is whether the parents on their children, ultimately to educate how Airsoft should be played, what precautions should you take and where they allow their children to play Airsoft.

In my opinion, based on the canons speed. I don't think that children under 16 have the feeling to operate a gun, the drives (even a plastic bb) over 350 ft / s young children under 16 years of age with low powered spring Airsoft guns to be launched, which are usually in the speed between 200-300 ft / s. This allows the basic security skills to learn of Airsoft with very low risk. This does not mean that the protective eye gear not should be worn. Keep in mind, not an eye protection is negotiable when it comes to the sport of Airsoft. Also purchase low speed spring pistols are a much cheaper investment for the parents. Finally, you should never keep a loaded Airsoft Gun if your is not in use. If your child takes a break for lunch or a juice box, always consult him / eject the weapons magazine or unloading the weapons-bb. It is also on a good habit, the security if your weapon not in use - leave, even if it is not loaded. This basic safety rules and precautions should help to provide your child a secure Airsoft experience.

If more about Airsoft you are interested in weapons, Airsoft equipment or video an Airsoft safety, please visit us at: [http://www.myairsoftarmy.com].

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